
«The artist architect will be a man inspired by his love of the nature , knowing that man is not made for architecture, architecture is made for man. He will see the practice of architecture never as business but always religiously as basic to the welfare and culture of humanity as, at its best, it has ever been. And we must recognize the creative architect as a poet ad interpreter of life…». Frank Lloyd Wright


Architecture plays a fundamental role by fulfilling both the material and spiritual needs of humanity, satisfying the functionality of daily living.


The work is based on two fundamental elements: man and the environment, given this is the context in which architects work.

Bellavista Ruvigliana Residence

Projects, Villas

Pavillon in Morcote

Projects, Villas

Villa Comano

Projects, Villas

Villa in Porza

Projects, Villas

Villa in Porza

Projects, Villas


“When I build a building, especially if it is a house where a family will be living, I like to go to the site by myself, sit on a wall or a tree trunk, and just take it all in: the light, the rays of the sun, the sounds of the woods and the street; I sniff the air and, if possible, distinguish the different smells. This is the only way I can gather all the information and perceive all the sensations and emotions that the site is able to transmit. And so begins the process of elaborating an idea, which, through reflection, second thoughts, additions and corrections, evolves into a full-fledged architectural project. This process may last only a few days, or it may last quite a long time.”




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